Good News Book Club

Courting an Amish Bishop (Heart of the Amish, 4)

Mindy Steele

FROM THE BOOK JACKET: No One Is Ever Too Old to Love Again

Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.

Simon Graber became a widower and a bishop early in life. His focus is solely on his very close-knit Old Order Amish community--not entertaining the idea of marriage, despite what many of the elders think. When sickness comes to Cherry Grove, Kentucky, Simon reaches out into the next community for help. But help is beginning to look a lot like a second chance when Stella Schmucker agrees to offer her vast herbal knowledge to the sick. Can it be that these two, who have been too busy serving others to entertain the idea of love, have met at just the perfect time for an unlikely courtship?

Mindy SteeleABOUT THE AUTHOR: Raised in Kentucky timber country, Mindy Steele writes Amish Romance peppered in humor, using her rural surroundings as her muse. She is a best selling author and the winner of the 2022 FHLCW Reader's Choice award for sweet romance. Steele creates realistic characters for her readers and believes in engaging all the senses to make you laugh, cry, hold your breath, and root for the happy ever after ending. Readers can find themselves, somewhere within her pages. Mindy lives in northeastern Kentucky with her husband, Mike. They have five grown children, ten grandchildren, and many wonderful neighbors.

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